Jason and Magali are responsible for one of the hottest, contemporary art spaces in Australia - Stockroom Kyneton

Stockroom’s fusion of modern art, objects and fashion are showcased in a way that leaves you wanting to take everything home.  We asked them what they do on that odd day off when they can simply hang out with the family.

“After the dogs take the family for a wild run on our 10-acre bush property, we like nothing better than to head to Daylesford and grab a coffee at Larder.  Then we’ll go to the Daylesford Railway Station and wander the wares at the Daylesford Market on a Sunday morning.

If the day’s a hot one, we all head to Turpin Falls in Kyneton. It’s one of the best watering holes for swimming, and if the falls are pumping, it’s gorgeous. Yes, the dogs come in too. That’s usually an adventure.

After that, everyone’s usually famished, so we go to Piper St in Kyneton to grab a burger at Major Toms and enjoy some live music if it’s on.  Then we’ll take a slow drive home through Wombat forest.  We will most likely stop in at the Glenlyon General store and have a coffee before enjoying the stunning sunset and making a meal from the veggies we got from the market and our garden.”

About the author

Daylesford Macedon Tourism

Daylesford Macedon Tourism Ltd is the Regional Tourism Board for the Daylesford and Macedon Ranges region.