Gather your people, swing by a provedore and lay the rug down at a picture perfect spot. The Daylesford Macedon region is a natural haven for food, wine and idyllic excursions.

Whether it’s a family frolic or romantic date, picnics are all about the share.

Open-air adventures are great get-togethers, with the freedom to plan ahead or set-off on the spur of the moment.

Create a vibe as lively or as lazy as you like, and just mingle the day away.

Picnics bring out all the tasty morsels.

In spring weather, gourmet goodies like terrines and dips travel well in the basket. If you’re rustling up a finger food feast, throw in Kyneton Olive’s olives or traditional pork pies from Piper Street Food Co.

For backpack walks you can keep it simple with artisan sourdough from RedBeard Historic Bakery filled with delicious chunks of Azzurri Cheese.

The versatility of picnics means you can BYO, DIY or pick up a ready-made hamper. Local farmers’ markets are a handy source to find the foodstuffs.

If you’re touring around the Daylesford Macedon region, collect direct from producers or stock up at stores like DOS Deli in Daylesford or Maison Maloa in Woodend.

Picnics are conveniently portable.  You can wander to a scenic spot by car, two wheels or on foot. Iconic Hanging Rock is just the start.  Visit lakes, waterfalls and beautiful Botanic Gardens in townships right across the region.

Here are just a couple of the region’s wonderful picnic locations:

  • Kyneton Botanical Gardens
  • Wombat Hill Botanical Gardens – Daylesford
  • Malmsbury Botanical Gardens
  • Castlemaine Botanical Gardens
  • Trentham Falls
  • Sailors Falls
  • Hanging Rock Reserve – Newham
  • Sanatorium Lake  – Mount Macedon
  • Lions Park Reserve – Riddells Creek
  • Lavendula Swiss Italian Farm – Shepherds Flat
  • Hepburn Springs Mineral Reserve
  • Lake Daylesford
  • Jubilee Lake – Daylesford
  • Slaty Creek Picnic & Camping Area – Creswick
  • Bryce’s Flat Picnic Area – Hepburn Springs

Just an hour beyond Melbourne you’re spoiled for choice. For more locations and information about the great outdoors visit:

About the author

Zali Garrety
Zali Garrety
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When Zali Garrety isn't downing coffee and writing in her favourite cafes in Woodend, she's working with the stunning artisan businesses in the region on their marketing and socials. She can also be spotted attempting to outrun her offspring on the tracks on Mount Macedon, bomb diving unsuspecting swimmers at Turpin Falls and stuffing her face with some of the best food in Victoria in Piper St.