Healing and wellbeing vibrate in every breath of crisp winter air and crunch of leaf underfoot in the Daylesford Macedon region.

Wellness seems to surge through the mineral springs and into the veins of gold buried deep within the Earth. It’s that feeling of recuperation that people have when they come here that is the reason why over 120 wellness therapies are on offer in the area. Here’s a taste of therapies available in this season of reflection and recuperation for you to enjoy.

Day Spas

Traditional day spas abound. They all offer pampering pleasures like massages, facials, body wraps and treatments that transform you from the outside in. However, the difference is that when you go to a day spa here, you don’t just surrender your care to the hands of someone else for a change, you also lay your wellbeing down on the ancient volcanic Earth, and that’s when the magic seems to happen.


There is nothing quite like the healing, physical touch of a masseuse as they work the tension and knots of your muscles into a syrup like state of serene. Masseuses here seem to go deeper than the physical with the simple touch of their hands. They transform both the muscles and the mind and stir you into a liquid state of bliss within that is not be missed.

Mineral Spring Treatments

The Daylesford and Hepburn area has the highest concentration of mineral springs in Australia. These gurgling brooks are regarded as healing havens. The Aboriginal women would come to Daylesford Macedon Region to take the waters. The mineral springs in Hepburn were a sacred site and a place to give give birth. Today the healing benefits of the region’s mineral water can be experienced at Hepburn Bath House & Spa. At this unique destination, visitors can experience first-hand what it’s like to “take the waters” in the social mineral baths.

There are so many sumptuous havens of health and repose in this region for you to choose from.  Weary hearts, bones and scaly skin don’t stand a chance when you invest in a little “you time” in this unique, healing land.

•    Daylesford Day Spa and Beauty

•    Daylesford Massage Healing

•    Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa

•    The Mineral Spa at Peppers, Hepburn

•    Salus Spa, Lakehouse, Daylesford

•    Ellenis Day Spa, Kyneton

•    Maiaveda Holistic Day Spa, Kyneton

•    Shizuka Ryokan Japanese Spa, Hepburn

•    Macedon Ranges Hotel and Spa, Macedon

•    EKO Day Spa, Daylesford

About the author

Zali Garrety
Zali Garrety
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When Zali Garrety isn't downing coffee and writing in her favourite cafes in Woodend, she's working with the stunning artisan businesses in the region on their marketing and socials. She can also be spotted attempting to outrun her offspring on the tracks on Mount Macedon, bomb diving unsuspecting swimmers at Turpin Falls and stuffing her face with some of the best food in Victoria in Piper St.