Along with the fresh country air and the relaxed lifestyle, one of the biggest attractions of our region is the food.

Fresh, seasonal, farm-grown produce brings people to the Daylesford Macedon region from all over the world. And the most authentic way to source this delicious produce is direct from the grower at one of our many farmers’ markets.

You’ll find these markets on most weekends in most towns in our area, from Lancefield to Castlemaine, from Clunes to Riddells Creek, including the new weekly Daylesford market.

Wander between stalls showcasing the freshly harvested produce and be inspired by the shapes, colours and possibilities. Be delighted by varieties you’ve never seen and reminded of what real, honest food is like.

And the best part of visiting a farmers’ market is knowing that the person behind the stall is the farmer who grew, reared, caught or processed the produce.

There’s nothing like chatting with the farmer about growing conditions and varieties, or their favourite way to prepare their produce, to make you feel great about eating it yourself.

Our farmers have a passion for and an intimate knowledge of what they’ve grown and they can’t wait to share it. When you buy their produce you’re supporting that farmer and their regional community.

Seriously, you won’t find fresher food unless you grow it in you own backyard.
This weekend why don’t you grab your shopping bags and shop local, create connections, and buy the freshest food the season has to offer? You can’t lose.

Check out our list of local farmers’ markets.

Our Regional Farmers' Markets