
Orange Slices

  • 2 blood oranges
  • 2 cup castor sugar
  • 2 cup of water
  • 30 grams butter

Cake Batter

  • 2 blood oranges
  • 6 eggs
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 250g almond meal
  • 60g melted butter


Orange Slices

  1. Top and tail oranges, slicing into 3-4 mm rounds
  2. Bring water and sugar to the boil in a small saucepan.
  3. Add orange slices to sugar syrup, reduce heat and simmer gently for 20 minutes.
  4. Add butter and cook for 3 more minutes .
  5. Strain oranges and reserve cooking liquid.
  6. Line a 30cm spring form cake tin with greaseproof baking paper.
  7. Carefully arrange prepared orange slices on the bottom of the tin, adding 1/5 of cooking liquid.
  8. Keep the other 4/5 t serve with cooked cake.


  1. Pre heat the oven to 160 degrees celsius.
  2. Place whole oranges in a pot, cover completely with water.
  3. Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes, (you can use a small plate or smaller pot to hold oranges under the water).
  4. Remove cooked whole oranges, discard cooking water.
  5. Cut oranges in half, remove any seeds, puree in food processor or with stick mixer.
  6. Add orange puree to a large bowl with almond meal and melted butter.
  7. Using a stand mixer, add 250g castor sugar and 6 eggs.
  8. Whisk vigorously, until pale and doubled in volume, add egg sugar mix to bowl with orange puree almond meal and melted butter.
  9. Gently fold until it’s all incorporated.
  10. Pour cake batter over orange slices in cake tin, gently so arranged slices in cake tin stay in place.
  11. Cook for approx. 45-50 minutes (when skewer comes out clean) remove side of spring form cake tin, invert cake onto serving dish, remove grease proof paper.

Serve with cream and reserved orange sugar

About the author

Sault 5
Bec Davern, Sault restaurant

At Sault we are really proud to offer our exquisite private property to our couples on their special day. Sault is a 100 acre property featuring it’s own lake and acres of perfectly manicured gardens and lavender fields. Combined with the addition of our new chapel overlooking the lake and created with recycled timbers on the outside to create that rustic feel and stunning white interior with a large feature window, creates the perfect backdrop for your ceremony.
With backgrounds in hospitality and 12 years at Sault hosting hundreds of weddings, we embrace each wedding and couples needs to personalise the day.