As winter closes in on the Daylesford Macedon region, as the air becomes crisp and frost lies on the grass, there’s no better sight upon entering a restaurant or bar than a crackling fireplace.

Leave your coat and scarf on a hook by the door and allow yourself to be drawn into the warmth. Sink into a leather couch with a glass of something rich and decadent or light and bubbly, and prepare for a night of genuine conversation, deep belly laughs and true connections.

Spending time by a fireplace is the perfect way to unwind and relax. Studies have proven that staring into the flickering flames of an open fire can lower blood pressure and provide a sense of peace and well-being. Somehow, gazing into a log fire links us back to our wild and untamed cave-man days and now, thousands of years later, can bring out our more authentic selves.

Whether you’re in the mood for romance, a few drinks with friends, a family reunion, or a catch up with a juicy novel, there’s a cozy spot by a fireplace waiting for you.

Our region is lucky enough to boast some magnificent fireplaces. There are those that were built early last century when a big roaring fire was the heart of the building and necessary for heating, cooking, as well as socialising. And there are more modern examples built as centrepieces to add to the country experience and keep us warm on the coldest of days and nights.

We’ve put together a starting point for you and now we’d love you to take your time to explore our beautiful region, to bask in the fireside glow and experience the warmth and atmosphere of our fabulous fireplaces.

Tuki Trout Farm – Smeaton

Moto Bean Coffee Roasters – Malmsbury

The Wine Room at The Cosmopolitan Hotel – Trentham

Bromley and Co. East St Studio – Daylesford

The Wine Collective at Macedon Wine Room – Macedon

Maurocco Lounge at the Midland Hotel – Castlemaine

Peppers Hotel – Hepburn Springs

Lavandula – Shepherds Flat

The Amazing Mill Markets – Daylesford

Blue Bean Love Café – Hepburn Springs

Daylesford Hotel – Daylesford

Bellinzona (Tastings) – Hepburn Springs

Grange Cleveland Winery – Lancefield

Sault Restaurant – Daylesford

Olive Jones – Macedon

Macedon Railway Hotel – Macedon

Baringo Food and Wine Co. – New Gisborne

The Collective – Gisborne

Lake House – Daylesford

Pig and Whistle – Trentham East

Café Koukla – Daylesford